Downloading the Bans of Others
The Approved Host Bans
OK, Banlist is about sharing bans. There is only one you, and millions of users on Fortunately, you can learn through other’s experience by getting their bans. There are two ways of getting the bans of others, by using or by getting XML’s.
We’ll start by teaching you about getting the XML of the Approved Hosts. These are users who have been with for a while, and have shown their bans to be fair and reliable.
First, start up your Banlist and go to the Preferences Tab. There is a series of 3 links in the middle of the page there, please click Banlists of Approved Hosts.

A website should open with the "Approved Bans" However, when you left click these files, you get a bunch of gibberish. Instead, right-click on your realm link and hit "Save Link As"

It will now ask you where to save the file. Save it somewhere where you can find it later and it won’t be deleted.
Now, go back to your Banlist. Go to the preferences Tab, and click on the little icon that says "Load from XML File"

Now, browse through your directories until you find the XML file you just saved. Double click it, and you’ve done it. You should have the following:

The Realm XML’s
Each Realm (Azeroth, Lorderon, Northrend) has it’s own XML’s with even more bans. The XML contributors are members of Sharing Groups on These members also have trustworthy and reliable bans that are reviewed on a regular basis.
Follow the same steps as getting the Approved Hosts XML’s, but use the following links to find the XML locations:
The hosts of these XML’s pay their own money to host them. If you use them and can spare extra bucks, please contribute here in the Donate section.
Individual Banlists
Want to download the Banlist of another individual user? This feature is useful if you have a friend who has Banlist, but isn’t on any XML’s. First, go to Sign into your account.

Click on Settings. Scroll down the bottom of the page, where you will se a box saying "Download list from". Just type in their username (make sure you use their username, not their name).

Now, just restart Banlist, and go to the Online Banlists/Safelists tab. You should see a new tab called Buddies Bans, where your friend’s ban will be kept.